Project Activities

The project includes activities aimed at understanding the concepts of circular economy and social entrepreneurship and building the capacity of local changemakers to develop their own circular business ideas. Here are some of the milestones on our journey.

Our Path

October 2023

Consortium formation.

All partners start our journey together in You-Cycle.

February 2024

International training for youth workers: the transformative green power of social entrepreneurship.

IRCEM hosted this training in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in which representatives of the entities and youth workers participated for six days. The meeting was focused on training attendees in circular economy and social entrepreneurship to apply it to youth work. In addition, we had the opportunity to meet several local social enterprises first-hand. It was a truly enriching and transformative experience from which we came away motivated and inspired to continue this journey towards the creation of a more sustainable and equitable world.

March 2024

Publication of the multilingual practical guide Understanding Circular Economy & Social Entrepreneurship.

This guide has the purpose of strengthening the knowledge of the youth workers and those interested in the themes who would like to find engaging ways to learn more about them and about how to adapt them best to youth contexts. We truly believe in the transformative power of youth work in any of their modalities and, in the name of the consortium behind this project, we hope you find this guide useful and inspiring.

April 2024

International hybrid exchange for disadvantaged youngsters - environmental needs of our local communities.

We connected young people from the implementing partner countries (Türkiye, Spain and Greece) with the support of the technical partners (from Belgium and Romania). The first part of the action was a series of face-to-face activities in which young people actively participated in dialogues on environmental issues, through games, brainstorming sessions, recording their own videos and informative presentations on concepts of circular economy and social entrepreneurship.

After these two days, the exchange took place where participants from all countries met online. Through this virtual meeting, borders dissolved as participants shared their experiences and ideas to improve different situations. They were able to gain a broader perspective, looking at local needs through an international lens, recognizing both differences and similarities.

July 2024

International training for youngsters.

24 participants from all countries attended this training hosted by EKO Greece in Athens, with various activities on social entrepreneurship and circular economy. The program also addressed mental health issues, highlighting the importance of empathy and motivation in the process of designing one's own business.

July - August 2024

Local social impact hub.

These events brought together young people eager to make a difference in their communities. With the guidance of social entrepreneurs and local changemakers, participants were given the tools and inspiration needed to develop their own social business ideas. They were held in Spain, Türkiye and Greece with the objective of providing young people with the tools they need to brainstorm and share their visions for social enterprises.

August 2024- January 2025

Local mentorship program.

We have been offering monthly mentorship and training sessions to continue supporting these young changemakers. By the end of the year, two of the top ideas will be selected, and representatives from each winning team will have the opportunity to travel to Istanbul in February 2025 to present their projects on an international stage.

March 2025

International social impact hub

The international social impact hub is a chance to select the most promising business ideas, awarding them with initial seed-funding and with an opportunity to showcase their potential internationally. In this way, we aim at prompting the creation of viable enterprises locally.

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